2014/08/06 – China Post News


媒體接觸-,,en,應對氣候變化,,en,屢獲殊榮的台灣導演邱立偉帶領年輕觀眾觀賞全球氣候變化帶來的影響,,en,由DIMITRI BURYAS,,cy,中國郵政,,en,有時很難思考和談論“綠色問題”,而無需思考諸如生態學和我們的生態系統之類的困難概念,,en,對某些人來說,學習科學可以被認為是無聊的活動,,en,特別是小學生,,en,也許父母和老師可以首先通過簡單的步驟提醒孩子們關燈,,en,長期不使用風扇和電子設備的家庭,從長遠來看這是一個好習慣。,,en,孩子們也可以看,,en,“天氣男孩”,,en“Weather Boy” tackles climate change

Award-Winning Taiwan director Liwei Chiu takes young viewers around the globle to wintness the effects of climate change.


The China Post

It’s sometimes difficult to think and talk about “green issues”without thinking about difficult concepts like ecology and our ecosystem. Studying science can be considered a boring activity for some people, especially grade-schoolers. Perhaps parents and teachers can first take a simple step by reminding children to switch off lights, fans and electronic equipment when they are not in use.This forms a good habit in the long run for everyone in the household.To reinforce this habit, kids can also watch “Weather Boy” (觀測站少年),台灣首部以年輕學生的通俗易懂的語言處理諸如溫室效應和火山活動等環境問題的動漫,,en,導演是,,en,Liwei Chiu,,zh-CN,令人激動的cli-fi動畫電影,由,,en,總集數,,en,分鐘內,全球的年輕觀眾就可以見證氣候變化的影響,,en,上個月在台灣公共電視台採取行動保護地球廣播,,en,PTS,,en,公視,,zh-TW,“天氣男孩”以傑米為中心,,en,跟隨父親的小男孩,,en,來自台灣的氣象科學家,,en,前往瑞士的氣象台,,en,他們踏上了穿越時空的旋風之旅,揭露了氣候變化的結果,,en,借助天氣模擬機,,en. Directed by Liwei Chiu (邱立偉), the inspiring cli-fi animation movie made of 13 episodes totaling 283 minutes takes young viewers around the globe to witness the effects of climate change.

Taking Action to Protect the Earth Broadcast last month on Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS, 公視),“Weather Boy” centers on Jamie, a young boy who follows his father, a weather scientist from Taiwan, to a meteorological observatory in Switzerland.At the station, they embark on a whirlwind journey through space and time in which the results of climate change are laid bare. With the help of a weather simulation machine, 他們了解到世界將很快充滿自然災害,並決定採取行動保護地球。這位屢獲殊榮的台灣導演希望孩子們在學習有關環境的一些基本事實的同時也能效法,,en,“重要的是通過動畫來教授積極的概念,而不是可能以負面方式影響兒童的事物,,en,像暴力,,en,他告訴《中國郵報》,,en,“和孩子一起看動畫片的成年人也可以理解,他們的行為可以直接影響孩子。”駐台南市,,en,Chiu和他的Studio2動畫實驗室花費了新台幣2800萬,,en,近一百萬美元,,en.

“It is important to teach positive concepts through animation rather than things that may affect children in negative ways, like violence,” he told The China Post. “Adults who watch the cartoons with their kids can also understand that their behaviors can influence their children directly.”Based in Tainan City, Chiu and his Studio2 Animation Lab spent over NT$28 million (nearly US$1 million) 並在將近兩年的時間裡從國立成功大學的地球科學系製作了該系列叢書並學習了氣象知識,,en,在此項目之前,,en,導演,,en,誰不是初學者,,en,近年來還導演了另外兩部獲獎動畫電影,,en,“輕率的貓”,,en,和,,en,“小太陽”,,en,小太陽,,zh-TW,後者主要是關於1970年代台灣家庭的故事,重點是讓台灣人關注他們獨特的文化遺產,,en,“這部電影在台灣和中國大陸得到認可,,en,然而,,en,其他國家的人並不太了解這部電影的意義,,en,邱說。他補充說,,en,“當我們開始生產‘貓巴克利,,en. Prior to this project, the director, who is anything but a beginner, has also directed two other award-winning anime films in recent years: “Barkely the Cat” (小貓巴克里) and “The Little Sun”(小太陽).The latter was mainly about the stories of Taiwanese families from the 1970s and focused on getting Taiwanese people to pay attention to their unique cultural heritage.

“The film was acknowledged in Taiwan and mainland China; however,people from other countries didn’t really understand what the film was all about,” said Chiu.He added, “When we started producing ‘Barkley the Cat,’我們試圖使故事更加普遍,,en,著眼於當代台灣人與台南地區的環境保護與城市發展之間的關係。”他還敦促同胞們利用台灣的文化遺產進行全球競爭,開拓海外市場。,,en,台灣制動漫成功了,,en,“貓的巴克利”已經在,,en,世界各國,,en,包括八個東南亞國家以及歐洲和美國,,en,今天,,en,他的團隊,,en,動畫師,,en,劇本作家,,en,開發商,,en,Studio2的動畫師和製片人正在為年輕人和有心的年輕人製作其首部長片《貓的巴克利》,,en,台灣製造的台灣動漫將與電視連續劇有所不同,,en,這次,,en, focusing on the relationships between human beings in contemporary Taiwan as well as the environmental protection and urban development in the Tainan area.” He also urged his fellow artists to take on global competition and develop overseas markets by leveraging Taiwan’s cultural heritage.

Made-in-Taiwan Anime And it worked! “Barkley the Cat”has been broadcast in 33 countries worldwide, including eight Southeast Asian nations as well as Europe and the U.S. Today, his team of 28 animators, screenplay writers, developers, animators and producers at Studio2 is working on its first feature film of “Barkley the Cat” for the young and the young at heart. The Madein-Taiwan anime will be slightly different from the TV series.

This time, 邱想表明動物是有情的生物,,en,意思是“他們遭受,,en,他們有情感和感覺。”毫無疑問,,en,沒有比嬉戲的巴克利更好的動物事業大使。“只要您解決的問題是普遍的,,,en,”邱繼續說道。“它將在世界範圍內引起共鳴。”,,en,這裡很少有人知道台灣曾經是世界上最大的動畫製作國,,en,早在1980年代,,en,他解釋說迪斯尼,,en,華納兄弟,,en,漢娜·巴貝拉(Hanna-Barbera Productions)等公司將其動畫製作外包給台灣,,en,那時候,,en,二維動畫的製作是一項勞動密集型工作,,en,如今,,en,這些公司寧願將工作外包給中國,,en,泰國或印度,,en,“在台灣,,en, meaning that “they suffer, they have emotions and feelings.” Without a doubt, there is no better ambassador of the animal cause than the playful Barkley.“As long as the issue you address is universal,” Chiu went on.“It will resonate around the world.”After all, few people here know that Taiwan used to be the biggest producer of animation in the world. Back in the 1980s, he explained that Disney, Warner Brothers, Hanna-Barbera Productions and the likes all outsourced their animation production to Taiwan.

At that time, the production of 2-D animation was a labor intensive job. Nowadays, these companies would rather outsource jobs to China, Thailand or India. “In Taiwan, 有幾個系或學院訓練學生動畫製作,,en,實際上有很多才華橫溢的藝術家和動畫師,,en,他指出。“而不是接受外國公司的訂單,,en,我們需要自己製作動畫,並適當培訓我們的開發人員和編劇作家。”,,en,但是Chiu和他的公司肯定會朝著自己的創意方向發展,,en, and there are actually a lot of talented artists and animators,” he pointed out.“Instead of taking orders from foreign companies, we need to produce animation by ourselves and properly train our developers and screenplay writers.”This is quite a challenge, but Chiu and his company are certainly moving in the right direction with their creative work.

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