Little Doo 杜小德





標題,,en,爆笑企業蟲光光,,zh-TW,害蟲,,en,類型,,en,娛樂性,,en,格式,,en,min * 100Episodes,,hr,目標觀眾,,en,老年,,en,符號,,zh-TW,互聯網頻道,,en, ,,en,故事大綱,,zh-TW,概要,,en,爆笑企業蟲光光負責人朱老闆一心要把蟲光光公司變成國際級的企業集團,,zh-TW,於是想盡各種化學殺蟲劑推廣至國際的方法。公司的兩位主管是憨直的胖子與古怪長髮的律師搭檔,,zh-TW,帶領的一群不管白天黑夜總是帶著墨鏡的呆呆員工們,,zh-TW,雖然公司的目標是邁向國際級的企業集團,,zh-TW,但每天總想盡各種辦法在上班的時候偷懶以及發明奇怪的殺蟲劑來對付公司裡一隻很討人厭的蚊子,,zh-TW,而下場總是會變成一場災難……,,zh-TW,朱先生是PestDie Company雄心勃勃的老闆,,en,他希望通過在全球範圍內推廣自己的蟲子噴霧使其成為一家國際公司。,,en:杜小德都曉得 / Little Doo

Genre: edutainment

Format: 5 x 104 episode

Target Audience: Aged 0-6



1.故事大綱 / Synopsis

Little Do came from a prestigious family – as Dr Dolittle’s descendant, he is spending  the summer in the country, understand animal as his great great grandfather is his giant secret! He helps animal to solve their problems, with Tommy the hamster in his pocket to help him!  There are language guru Pollly, gourmet lover Gub-Gub, royal dog friend Jip, Chee Chee the Monkey who escape from the circus, Dab-Dab the duck  who have an opinion for everything, wise Dr. Owl Too-Too as his friends.  These are the story told and sang by he and his friends.



2.商業計劃 / Business Plan

*Animation Series

*iPad / iPhone interactive Books

*Web Game


*The Licensing Products

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